Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well, my fiance talked me into watching Princess, a horrible "Made for TV" movie, on ABC Family.  This movie may have been one of the worst movies I've ever seen.  The only reason I watched it was because I thought it was going to be completely different.

The movie started out like any other, giving a little back story about the "leading man".  He was a failed author, a failed music writer or something like that and had pretty much failed at everything else he had tried.  He was staying with a friend of his and his friends pregnant wife.  He had only $50,000 to his name.  Eventually he ends up going to this castle for a "Princess Ball", that is being put on by the Princess that lives in the castle (whom everyone thinks is crazy because she only comes out of the castle once a year for this ball thing).  Go figure that he ends up spending his last $50,000 on an auction to win a dance and dinner with the princess.  After he wins the date with the princess, he says something that makes her think that he is someone else, a "searcher", as she puts it.  He is supposed to be looking for someone that the princess has been dreaming about.  Blah, blah, blah... something about mythical creatures living in the castle with the princess and she is some kind of healer and whatnot, the two of them get in a fight because she finds out that he lied to her.   To make a long story a little shorter in the end everything works out with him and the princess.

Anyway, bad movie.  I wish I could say that it was predictable but the movie kept taking so many turns you never knew what was going on.  Sad part is, is that I kept watching to see how much worse it could get.

If you didn't see this movie, consider yourself lucky!!


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